I was SUPPOSED to be making these blogs regularly, but as with most neurodivergent people: I start something, it becomes scary and overwhelming, so I push it aside and hope that no one notices and I forget about it.
This isn't a great way to go about things. I'm trying to be better!
So before I move on with more Parallax stuff, let me fill you in on what's been happening since January:
- Parallax WILL BE PUBLISHED! My writing partner and I signed a contract with Aethon Books in March. If all goes according to plan, we'll have a trilogy coming out sometime in the spring! Book One is complete, right now we're waiting on publisher edits on Book Two.
- We started writing scripts to gear up for pitching. Right now we're working on a comedy and a grounded sci-fi TV series. I am new to script writing, but I am loving it.
- I will have a dystopian short story in a free anthology! More news on that to come, but things are wrapping up and I believe it will be available before the holidays!
- We started querying our fantasy manuscript Dark & Zarus again. The rejections are rolling in and just filling up my spite meter. When it's completely full, I start writing things like crazy. That'll show 'em!
Of course other life stuff happened in between those things, but they're the main events as far as writing is concerned. I hope to keep up on these updates better in the months to come and of course I'll continue on introducing Parallax! You'll know everything about it by the time the books come out. :)